Motorola Solutions’ new LTE handheld device certified by AT&T, is ‘FirstNet-ready’
Motorola Solutions recently announced the availability of the LEX F10, a durable public-safety LTE handheld device that has been certified by AT&T and is “FirstNet-ready,” supporting operation on FirstNet’s 700 MHz Band 14 spectrum and AT&T’s commercial spectrum bands, according to a Motorola Solutions official.
Claudia Rodriguez, Motorola Solutions’ corporate vice president for devices, described the LEX F10 handheld as a key component of the company’s device portfolio, complementing the VML 750 LTE vehicle modem that previously was certified by AT&T and supports Band 14 communications on the FirstNet system.
“With the introduction of the F10, we now have a complete portfolio that operates on Band 14 that is AT&T-certified and that is FirstNet-ready,” Rodriguez said during an interview with IWCE’s Urgent Communications.
“With the F10, now we complement the vehicle modem offering that we have, and we have a complete [device portfolio]—not just a vehicle modem but a handheld offering that we can bring to our customers and provide a complete device offering that is FirstNet-ready.”
Motorola Solutions announced the LEX F10 device earlier this month in conjunction with an announcement that the public-safety-communications giant will provide mobile applications, software and services for the FirstNet nationwide public-safety broadband network (NPSBN) as part of its role on the AT&T team that won the nationwide contract.
“Public safety is looking for advanced, interoperable communications and collaboration capabilities,” Chris Sambar, senior vice president-FirstNet, AT&T Global Public Sector, said in a prepared statement. “Working with Motorola Solutions and other key team members, we will help deliver broadband-enabled devices and apps that will be certified for use by public safety seeking FirstNet services.”
Motorola Solutions’ other public-safety LTE handset is the LEX L10, but the company did not seek to get that device certified by AT&T, Rodriguez said. From a functionality and durability perspective, the LEX F10 and the LEX L10 are very similar, she said.
“Really, the primary differentiator is that it is certified by AT&T,” Rodriguez said. “That’s the most significant difference.”
One aspect of the LEX F10 is expected to be attractive to public-safety agencies that currently use Motorola Solutions APX series of LMR radios, Rodriguez said. Through a radio-collaboration feature on the LEX F10, a user who also is carrying an APX radio can communicate on the LMR network while only handling the LEX F10 LTE device, she said.