How to Contribute

Commentaries are contributed or staff-written articles on a wide variety of topics in the communications technology industry. The commentaries are a forum for expert perspectives.

How to Contribute Columns to Urgent Communications

If you’d like to write for the section, e-mail Glenn Bischoff at [email protected] with the following three items:

  • A color head-and-shoulders mug shot in high resolution
  • A one-paragraph bio
  • One column idea

General Commentary Submission Guidelines

Author Bio

Underneath your headline, please include a short bio. Your bio should be about 50 words long and include your current job title and company. You should also include your contact information such as your e-mail address, phone number and Web site URL. Please also briefly describe any relevant experience in state or local government.


Underneath your author bio, please include your byline. For example: By Joe Smith


Please e-mail a high-resolution (300 dpi) head-and-shoulders photo of yourself to [email protected]. Please save it in a JPEG format and approximately 3″ x 5″. Rather than copying and pasting your photo in your article, please send it as a separate e-mail attachment.


Save your article as a Microsoft Word document (.doc).


The article needs to be about 750 words long.


The readers of Urgent Communications are dealers, private radio and wireless systems operators and large volume commercial, industrial and public safety communications end-users. The commentaries should address the communications technology industry.


We have flexible deadlines. In your story pitch, please indicate when you would be able to contribute your article.

Rule on promotion

The articles must not mention any manufacturer or promote any specific product.

Copyright contract

To be published in the View from the Top blog, your article must be original and not published elsewhere. Before publishing your article, we will send you a copyright agreement to sign.


Due to our limited freelance budget, we are not able to compensate our View from the Top writers for their online columns. Writing a column, however, is a way to increase awareness of your expertise in local and state government.