ADRF: Jim Lilienfeld outlines benefits of company's converged in-building solutionADRF: Jim Lilienfeld outlines benefits of company's converged in-building solution
Jim Lilienfeld, ADRF's senior manager for the southeast U.S., highlights features of the company's converged in-building solution that can support public-safety broadband communications from all three U.S. nationwide carriers, as well as connectivity for consumers--for personal use and to call 911 when emergency incidents occur.
Jim Lilienfeld, ADRF's senior manager for the southeast U.S., highlights features of the company's converged in-building solution that can support public-safety broadband communications from all three U.S. nationwide carriers, as well as connectivity for consumers--for personal use and to call 911 when emergency incidents occur. To learn more about ADRF, IWCE 2024 attendees can visit company representatives in Booth #423 during exhibit-hall hours on March 27-28.