News: Celwave sponsors golf contestNews: Celwave sponsors golf contest
January 1, 2004
The Great Tee Off, a contest featuring a computerized golf simulator, raised more than $1,300 for the Radio Club of America Grants-in-Aid fund.
Keith Powell leaves PageNet, Plano, TX, as vice president and general manager to join Paging Partners, Freehold, NJ, as executive vice president and general manager.
Don Winters departs AirTouch Communications, Walnut Creek, CA, as managing director of corporate technology to join Coral Systems, Longmont, CO, as vice president of business development.
Scott Henderson exits Uniden’s commercial communications division, Dallas, as vice president of sales to join E.F. Johnson, Burnsville, MN, as director of federal sales.
Elias J. Kabeche leaves The Antenna Company, Itasca, IL, as director of accessory products to join Larsen Electronics, Vancouver, WA, as director of sales and marketing.
Changes at Multiplier, Mt. Kisco, NY: Al Crisafulli leaves Gemini Industries, Clifton, NJ, as cellular product manager to join Multiplier as product manager for the cellular, GSM and PCS battery and accessory product lines. Danny Amato leaves Gemini Industries as senior cellular engineer to become senior engineer for Multiplier’s cellular, GSM, PCS and two-way, PMR battery and accessory product lines.
Stephen L. Fix departs Ericsson, Lynchburg, VA, as vice president of aftermarket services and parts operation to take a position with Glenayre Technologies, Charlotte, NC, as executive vice president of corporate development.
Marshall Medoff exits Interstate Van Lines, Springfield, VA, as system manager for an assignment with the Industrial Communications Association (ITA), Arlington, VA, as senior programmer in the computer services department.
Robert Corsi, accounting manager for PageNet, Plano, TX, advances to vice president and general manager of PageNet of Philadelphia, Wayne, PA.
Thomas J. Wiseman, senior project manager for Arcnet, Holmdel, NJ, advances to director of services.
Jack Brophy, president of JBro Batteries, Lisle, IL, is elected to the board of directors of the Portable Rechargeable Battery Association (PRBA), Atlanta.
Robert Trenchard exits Sony Corporation of America, New York, as vice president of management information systems to take a position with Nextel Communications, McLean, VA, as chief technology officer.
Stephen G. Pearse departs Time Warner, Denver, as senior vice president of engineering, operations and MIS to join Geotek Communications, Montvale, NJ, as president of technology and equipment business.