A cybersecurity framework for mitigating risks to satellite systemsA cybersecurity framework for mitigating risks to satellite systems

Satellite systems play a crucial role in supporting communication, weather monitoring, navigation, Internet access, and more. However, these systems face numerous threats that compromise security and integrity. To address these challenges, we must implement a robust cybersecurity framework to protect satellite operations.
Cyber Threats to Satellites
The threats faced by satellite systems are diverse and range from denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and malware infiltration to unauthorized access and damage from other objects in their orbit that disrupt digital communications.
For satellite systems, these critical threats can corrupt sensor systems, resulting in harmful actions based on incorrect data. For example, a corrupted sensor system could change a satellite’s orbit path to collide with another satellite or natural space object. If a sensor system becomes unusable, it could cause failure of other space and terrestrial systems that depend on those sensors. Jamming or sending unauthorized commands for satellite guidance and control could also damage other orbiting space vehicles.
DoS attacks can render satellites unresponsive or, even worse, shut them down. This could create physical safety risks and damage other countries’ space vehicles or the ground from satellite debris fallout. Planting malware within the systems through insufficiently secured access points could impact the satellite and spread to other systems the satellite connects with.
Many of the 45,000 satellites have been operating for many years and have little (if any) built-in cybersecurity protection. Consider the Vanguard 1 (1958 Beta 2), a small solar-powered, Earth-orbiting satellite. It was launched by the United States on March 17, 1958, and is the oldest satellite still orbiting Earth.
What would a cybersecurity vulnerability analysis of that satellite reveal today? What if hackers exploit those vulnerabilities? It’s possible some already have. Could they obtain sensitive data? Modify the satellite’s software code? Change the controls? Perhaps newer satellites have taken hackers’ attention away from the Vanguard 1. More likely, there may have been successful hacks not reported to the public.
Looking ahead, artificial intelligence’s (AI) rapid adoption across industries means it is essential to validate the accuracy of any AI used within a satellite system and thoroughly test it before putting it into production.
Given the potential threats satellites face, a comprehensive cybersecurity framework is necessary to mitigate these risks. Engineering universities and tech organizations must also collaborate with government agencies and other entities engineering and building satellites to create and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity, privacy, and resilience framework to regulate the industries expanding the use of space vehicles.
To read the complete article (including a list of 5 key steps), visit Dark Reading.