Newscan: First known hacker-caused power outage signals troubling escalation
Web Roundup
Items from other news organizations
First known hacker-caused power outage signals troubling escalation
AT&T aims to turn Atlanta into a ‘smart city’
Her attacker forced her to make a phone call during a rape—so she called 911
A behind-the-scenes look at body cameras
How long is too long to wait for help when you call 911?
When it comes to 311, the customer isn’t always right
Verizon reportedly set to sell data centers
AT&T business chief sees Internet of Things as next industrial revolution
Dell unveils enterprise-oriented wireless displays that for simultaneous Windows, Android use
Can police use data science to prevent deadly encounters?
Briefing Room
News announcements from our industry
CES video: FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler talks about unlicensed spectrum
FirstNet seeks applications for new Chief Customer Officer position
FCC announces Jan. 29 meeting of Task Force on Optimal PSAP Architecture (TFOPA)
Bluetooth offers growth opportunities for LMR accessories
Westell Technologies announces new innovative, carrier-approved tower-mounted amplifier