Kodiak: Bruce Lawler outlines company’s readiness for FirstNet, smooth migration path to MCPTT-over-LTE standard
Bruce Lawler, chief products officer for Kodiak, explains how his company's carrier-integrated, push-to-talk (PTT) solution for LTE differs from over-the-top PTT applications during this conversation with IWCE's Urgent Communications Editor Donny Jackson. Because of this, Kodiak's path to meet the new LTE mission-critical PTT (MCPTT) standard should be much more straightforward than will be for competitors.
Bruce Lawler, chief products officer for Kodiak, explains how his company's carrier-integrated, push-to-talk (PTT) solution for LTE differs from over-the-top PTT applications during this conversation with IWCE's Urgent Communications Editor Donny Jackson. Because of this, Kodiak's path to meet the new LTE mission-critical PTT (MCPTT) standard should be much more straightforward than will be for competitors.