Newscan: A rare issue is causing police body cameras to explode
Web Roundup
Items from other news organizations
A rare issue is causing police body cameras to explode
Special Report: A look at where AT&T and FirstNet are now in the public-safety market
The Pentagon has prepared a cyberattack against Russia, if Russia interferes in election this year
Cyber ‘intrusion campaigns’ increasingly target utilities
Quantum physicists found a new, safer way to navigate
How governments can keep disaster survivors connected
Verizon won’t speed up 5G buildout despite FCC preempting local fees
Verizon just obliterated Ajit Pai’s justification for killing net neutrality
Verizon’s CFO: Wireless business has ‘significant opportunity’ to grow
5G and edge computing speed up virtualization
Father-daughter duo praised for connectivity efforts during Carr fire
Tom Wheeler paper: Rules for the new digital economy should look to old common-law roots
Briefing Room
News announcements from our industry
Secretary Ross appoints FirstNet board members; statements from FirstNet Chair, appointees
FirstNet and EMS: Partners in patient care
PSTA and TCCA sign a memorandum of understanding
Pilot project tests social-media tool to improve emergency-response outcomes
JVCKENWOOD announces two new KENWOOD-branded PoC LTE devices
Verizon realigns organization structure to optimize growth opportunities in 5G era
Navajo County, Ariz., contracts with Federal Engineering to develop communications roadmap