Hi-tech sewer can help safeguard public health, environment and economies
In the wake of the coronavirus, economic recovery is top of mind for all city leaders, the majority of whom believe that investing in infrastructure and technology can spur a rebound. Yet current analyses indicate that we only have funding available to cover approximately 57 percent of infrastructure system improvements through 2029, leaving an investment gap of $2.6 trillion. Cities are in the midst of some of their toughest-ever budget constraints and are faced with stressed infrastructure badly in need of renewal. Against a backdrop of rising needs and limited resources, officials are grappling to identify the investments that do more with less and deliver superior performance in the areas that matter most for their communities. One solution runs under our feet.
While sewer system investment doesn’t always make the headlines, new approaches to sewer and watershed management are delivering a big impact for cities across the country.
Making sewers smarter
When considering projects that define a “smart city”—using cutting-edge technology to improve quality of life—sewers are sometimes an afterthought. But tech-enabled, smart-sewer systems that improve a city’s wastewater network can deliver far-reaching societal and environmental benefits to communities. For many cities, smart sewers deliver pay-back that should put them at the top of the smart city investment agenda.
Consider road transportation infrastructure as a metaphor to illustrate what’s possible. Designed to maximize efficiency, roads are managed with a network of stoplights and traffic sensors, with police directing and diverting traffic according to demand. Advanced wastewater technology works the same way, with coordinated sensors and virtual stoplights that adjust and direct flow to avoid congestion (in this case sewer overflows) and identify potholes (blockages and excessive infiltration and inflow). Smart sewer tech works just like GPS-enabled traffic apps, guiding flow based on live traffic conditions. Managing our sewer infrastructure is every bit as critical and, with new technology, as doable today as managing our roads.
And smart-sewer investments make sound economic sense for all segments of society. Citizens in economically depressed areas are often disproportionately affected by outdated and failing infrastructure, along with the financial burden to fix these problems. Digitally driven sewers help level the playing field for disadvantaged communities. Wastewater network-assessment technologies, real-time monitoring, data analytics and system modeling allow utilities to target investment where it is needed most, minimizing the cost of maintaining compliance, and delivering solutions that are more sustainable and efficient.
Smart sewers can also deliver additional benefits to communities. For example, smart sewers can leverage innovative wet weather management systems, known as green infrastructure, that control and combat overflows integrate with public space, providing safer, greener areas for recreation. These systems can also improve and renew roadways, replacing sections with permeable asphalt, which allows rain and snowmelt to pass through, instead of flooding at curbs.
To read the complete article, visit American City & County.