Illinois bans drones from using facial-recognition technologyIllinois bans drones from using facial-recognition technology

Scarlett Evans, IoT World Today

July 3, 2023

1 Min Read
Illinois bans drones from using facial-recognition technology

The state of Illinois has signed a new act barring law enforcement’s use of drones for facial recognition, barring a few exceptions.

The legislation, the Drones as First Responders Act, stipulates that law enforcement agencies can use drones for security at public events, but bans fitting them with facial recognition, photography capabilities or weaponry.

Facial recognition is allowed only in the instance it can be used to prevent a terrorist attack, or in instances where immediate action is needed to prevent loss of life. Equipping drones with weaponry is not allowed in any circumstance.

To read the complete article, visit IoT World Today.

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