N.H. takes steps toward NG 911N.H. takes steps toward NG 911
New Hampshire’s emergency services director, Bruce Cheney, has asked the state legislature for permission to use nearly $4 million collected from telephone users for emergency services to ready the state for next-generation 911.
July 7, 2010
From the Boston Globe: New Hampshire’s emergency services director, Bruce Cheney, has asked the state legislature for permission to use nearly $4 million collected from telephone users for emergency services to ready the state for next-generation 911. He also has a $1 million federal grant to spend on the project.
The state’s 911 system began operating in 1995, with technology limited to accepting voice calls for help. About 25,000 people used cellphones at the time, compared with nearly 1 million cellphones in use today.
The basic upgrade will most likely allow the transmission of text messages, photos, videos, e-mail, and information from driver assistance programs such as OnStar.