Smart cities must learn to navigate frequency bottlenecksSmart cities must learn to navigate frequency bottlenecks
Smart cities must seek to overcome congestion of existing radio frequencies to be successful and lost data packets are eroding smart city implementations as more end users crowd onto the two most popular frequencies for connections: 2.4 Ghz and 5Ghz.
That’s according to Paul Russell, vice president for wireless products at engineering testing kit supplier Teledyne Leroy, who was speaking at IoT World Silicon Valley.
Russell used congested highways as an analogy, with data transfers slowed by traffic jams and derailments on the 2.4 Ghz and 5Ghz lanes.
“What happens when lots of traffic try to use the same lanes?” said Russell. “There’s congestion, collisions and slowdown of traffic. With the roll out of smart city initiatives, the competition for these lanes is only going to get more and more intense.”
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