BotenaGo source-code leak exposes more IoT devicesBotenaGo source-code leak exposes more IoT devices
January 31, 2022

The authors of the BotenaGo malware that left millions of IoT devices exposed back in November have published its source code on GitHub, making it easily accessible to any malicious hacker or malware developer.
AT&T Alien Labs researchers made the discovery that they expect could spur new cybercriminal campaigns leaving more routers and IoT devices at risk.
The backdoor vulnerability gives attackers access to 33 exploits capable of forcing entry into various network routers and firewalls. It can be used as a stand-alone exploit kit or as a launching pad for other malware attacks.
With the leak, hackers can download and tweak the source code to launch modified IoT incursions or choose to leave the code unchanged to quickly mount criminal campaigns.
To read the complete article, visit IoT World Today.