APCO offers P33 training certification onlineAPCO offers P33 training certification online
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International’s Project 33 Agency Training Program Certification now is available online.
February 29, 2012
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International’s Project 33 Agency Training Program Certification now is available online.
The APCO Project 33 Agency Training Program Certification (P33) is a formal mechanism allowing public-safety agencies to certify these training programs as meeting APCO American National Standards (ANS). The APCO P33 Training Program Certification – Telecommunicator 2010 requires agencies to meet or exceed the APCO ANS 3.103.1-2010: Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety Telecommunicators. The standard specifies the minimum training requirements of call takers and dispatchers of law enforcement, fire services, and emergency medical services assigned to the public safety telecommunicator function.
P33 allows for customization depending on what services the agency provides and recognizes the need to supplement these basic competencies with agency-specific information and existing equipment-use parameters.
Agencies can use the APCO P33 Training Program certification mark on agency training material and website while certified and are recognized at APCO International’s Annual Conference. Recertification is required every three years. APCO standards can be downloaded at no charge at http://apcointl.org/911-resources/standards/apco-standards-for-download.html. Agencies not using APCO products can apply. Click here for more information or send an e-mail to the P33 team.