PSCR: Fidel Liberal explains how mission-critical open platform can bolster development of public-safety solutions
Fidel Liberal, an assistant professor at the University of Basque Country in Spain, describes the planned mission-critical open platform—usable by any developer wanting to build public-safety LTE solutions—that will be established with a $1.259 million research program grant from the Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Fidel Liberal, an assistant professor at the University of Basque Country in Spain (Universidad del País Vasco), describes the planned mission-critical open platform—usable by any developer wanting to build public-safety LTE solutions—that will be established with a $1.259 million research program grant from the Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Liberal spoke with IWCE’s Urgent Communications Editor Donny Jackson during the PSCR Broadband Stakeholders Meeting last week in San Antonio.