Apple’s CarPlay update ‘threatens automaker data control’Apple’s CarPlay update ‘threatens automaker data control’
Apple is aiming to take a bite out of the automotive vehicle operating system market posing commercial risks to carmakers.
Its launch of the updated CarPlay, revealed at the company’s annual World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) last week, now presents global automakers with a crucial choice about the digital experiences they offer their customers, according to connectivity specialist VNC Automotive.
CarPlay will now take the automakers head-on in terms of data collection by no longer being confined to the vehicle’s infotainment display but move across the vehicle’s other screens, including the instrument cluster. At the same time, next generation CarPlay seeks to tighten its grip on the vehicle’s existing systems. Instead of being limited to smartphone-related functions, such as music and navigation, the new system will gain access to all vehicle data, from speed to fuel level, while also taking over control of features such as cabin climate settings.
Tom Blackie, CEO, VNC Automotive, warned: “While, on the face of it, Apple’s advances seem like a good thing giving customers a familiar interface to interact with, it also cuts vehicle manufacturers out of the in-car experience and limits opportunities to create brand loyalty. Initially, the rise of the touchscreen was all about saving hardware costs by implementing everything in software. Now, some cars feature a swath of screens right across the dashboard, offering a digital landscape almost as wide as the car itself. Recently, though, there’s been growing disquiet as drivers push-back against the level of attention these interfaces demand.”
To read the complete article, visit TU-Automotive.