Other FDNY communications improvements
Since 9/11, the FDNY has improved its radio communications systems, including interoperability, operations centers and in-building coverage.
- Development and deployment of “smart mics” that feature an emergency button.
- Backhaul of fireground communications onto two department talkgroups that are monitored by responding chiefs.
- Upgrade of 800 MHz system that provides bandwidth for automatic vehicle location.
- Deployment of AVL in all fire and EMS apparatus.
- HT vehicle chargers installed in all fire apparatus and ambulances.
- Mobile data terminals installed in all fire apparatus so responding units can get latest updates.
- Two-channel subway radio communication system.
- EMS telemetry upgraded to allow for 12-lead EKG transmissions.
- Talkgroups set up to coordinate mutual-aid response from surrounding agencies.
Tags: Wireless Networks