Newscan: It gets worse: Federal OPM hack affected up to 18 million
Web Roundup
Items from other news organizations
It gets worse: Federal OPM hack affected up to 18 million
Net of insecurity: A disaster foretold—and ignored
Sprint CEO signals end of unlimited data
The FCC continues kicking ass by subsidizing broadband Internet
Former SLC Police Chief Burbank says he was a victim of politics; mayor denies that
PSAPs ‘might not have as much time as we think’ to transition to next-gen 911, Magnussen says
Rep. Pallone sings praises of FirstNet
Mexico readies shared 700 MHz broadband network auction
T-Mobile shuts down MetroPCS legacy CDMA network
Sprint to kill consumer wireline business
Senators introduce bill to eliminate NTIS
Here’s the first net-neutrality complaint to the FCC
Popular Kaspersky security software came under relentless attacks from NSA and GCHQ
Analysts: Don’t expect big windfall in broadcast incentive auction
Briefing Room
News announcements from our industry
FirstNet answers draft-RFP questions 96 through 282
FCC adopts incentive-auction order on reconsideration
Maine initial consultation meeting with FirstNet focuses on rural coverage
Verizon policy blog: Only Congress can build a spectrum pipeline
AT&T certifies Novatel Wireless MiFi Secure SA 1100 IoT solution for Home Security