Newscan: Toddler loses eyeball after errant drone slices it in half
Web Roundup
Items from other news organizations
Toddler loses eyeball after errant drone slices it in half
House panel pushes feds to relinquish airwaves
First responders test devices on broadband wireless test network in Minnesota
New York state unveils app to help fight terrorism with ‘See something, send something’ campaign
Amazon reveals new delivery-drone design with range of 15 miles
87% of Android devices are insecure, because manufacturers fail to provide security updates
Google patent reveals how its self-driving cars may communicate with pedestrians
AT&T says it shelved a “bunch” of ideas because of net-neutrality rules
Eight questions about Friday’s net-neutrality hearing
Briefing Room
News announcements from our industry
FirstNet blog: Oklahoma initial consultation underscores the limits of commercial data networks
FirstNet blog: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to the NPSBN
ATIS examines Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) enhancements in multiple feasibility studies