Learn about the Internet of Things (IoT) at IWCE 2016
By Stacey Orlick, Director of Community and Conference Content, IWCE
IWCE has covered all aspects of communications technology for 40 years, but nothing is as exciting as right now. With the Internet taking machine-to-machine communications to the next level, the Internet of Things (IoT) will provide access to so much more at your fingertips.
Critical-infrastructure entities like utilities, transportation authorities, cities, public safety and government can take advantage of the extensive interconnected system that is IoT. You can learn about many aspects of this changing technology at IWCE 2016, taking place March 21-25 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
If you’re new to IoT, attend the Internet of Things and M2M Primer on Monday, March 21, where speakers from Nokia, Ericsson, Raveon and the TIA will discuss everything from connectivity to smart thingamijigs to cybersecurity concerns.
Additional workshops on Tuesday provide a basis for Spectrum, Licensing and Frequency Coordination and Radio Interference that are essential tools for the Internet of Things to work properly.
Wednesday morning’s Opening Keynote Address will explore global issues that affect the Internet of Things. Curtis Levinson, Cyber Defense Advisor to NATO, will discuss how terrorists can possibly use it to breach security here in the U.S.
On Thursday, join a panel of experts—a representative of the Department of Homeland Security, an EMS first responder, a public works manager, city planner and other private sector professionals—as they debate the question, “Can the Internet of Things Save the World?”
With the expansiveness of IoT, more users will have more access to information through more channels than traditional M2M. This provides many operational advantages but also great concerns, especially when applications move beyond consumer usage and into connected the critical-infrastructure sector.
In addition, IWCE hosts several more IoT-related short courses during the week, including the following:
- IoT in healthcare in Connecting EMS with Hospitals for Greater Effeciencies (Wednesday);
- How Cloud will help create the IoT in Cloud Services – Reliability and Trust Considerations (Wednesday);
- How IoT and M2M affect energy and utilities in TETRA for Utilities and Smart Grid (Wednesday); and their security in The Power Grid: America’s Achilles Heel (Wednesday)
- How Wireless Will Be a Key Driver for the IoT;
- The effect on cities in Armageddon! How a Cyber Breach Can Disable a City (Thursday);
- The future of alarms, SCADA and sensors as carriers migrate from 2G in Machine to Machine and the Death of 2G (Thursday);
- Where smart buildings will take us in The Next Wave of Building Automation and Smart Buildings (Thursday);
- The cybersecurity implications of IoT in The Connected World – How Secure is the Internet of Things? (Thursday);
- How to verify access with IoT in Access Authentication, Identification and Verification (Friday); and
- How to manage all the data coming coming from sensors and other sources in Data Analytics: Making Sense of Big Data (Friday).
All registrants also receive free access to the IWCE exhibit floor on Wednesday and Thursday, when 370 vendors will showcase the latest in IoT and critical-communications technology.
Use code IoT to receive a 20% discount off of most conference packages (10% off training). Register today!