Newscan: How our 911 emergency call system can fail us
Web Roundup
Items from other news organizations
Web Roundup
Items from other news organizations
How our 911 emergency call system can fail us
911 consolidation among cost-saving measures
America’s largest body-camera manufacturer is giving police free AI to analyze crime footage
FCC head announces new office focused on economics
The local government preemption debate in Texas isn’t just about cities
What nixed the FirstNet bid for Rivada?
House oversight committee mulls cyber-only digital service
Surveillance uproar puts GOP on the spot
Bill could allow police in Connecticut to have weaponized drones
Companies start implanting microchips into workers
Representatives introduce bipartisan ‘Rural Spectrum Accessibility Act’
Facial-recognition tech will make life a perpetual police lineup for all
NSA engaged in massive battle with Russian hackers in 2014
Survey: Reliable wireless service is key for home buyers
Briefing Room
News announcements from our industry
AT&T sharpens focus on global public sector across federal, state and local customers
Rivada Networks poses questions to the Mexican government about Red Compartida bid
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s speech on importance of economic analysis at FCC
Morgan C. Kane, Washington, D.C., police department, talks about FirstNet partnership launch