Public-safety representatives wary of ‘tsunami’ of data from text-to-911 services, NG-911
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911 representatives wary of ‘tsunami’ of data
PSAPs should study the lessons learned when wireless phones gained popularity as they prepare for text-to-911 service, Marzolf said. Before cell phones, a PSAP might get a few calls reporting a wreck; now, that same PSAP would receive dozens in just minutes.
“We didn’t anticipate that at first,” Marzolf said. “The dynamics of the call changed. We got a zillion calls really quickly. We rode that tidal wave, and then it tapered off. We’re going to have those same types of discovers with text to 911.”
That’s why gradual adoption of new technologies is key, said John Snapp, senior technology officer with Intrado.
“It’s introducing a little bit of change at a time, so it’s not a tsunami,” Snapp said. “It’s a little ripple coming in.”
Gross said there are three “flavors” of text-to-911 delivery: SMS over TTY, over the web or over the i3 architecture that is designed to be a precursor to next-generation 911.
“This is what I believe the future is going to be, as we work our way through the other transition points,” Gross said of i3.
The technology being built today for SMS will work for future services, Snapp said.
SMS is “what’s there today, and it’s going to be there for a long time to come,” Snapp said. “But, during that time, there will be a transition to other types of technologies, too. SMS is a great way to initially start things going and get the infrastructure in as the new technologies come out.”
John Snapp, How are agencies
John Snapp, How are agencies supposed to handle message queues with any of the current offerings and forms of end user communication tools that could potentially be used? Also, how are SMS messages going to be routed when they are being sent from a device on a WiFi network? There are a few very important tech issues that are still too open before this should be considered “public safety grade”. But, since this popular and fashionable to push, that must not matter to those that are not responsible for providing the best services possible.