FCC and Industry Canada sign spectrum arrangement
In a continuing series of bilateral spectrum arrangements, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Industry Canada have signed an Interim Arrangement regarding the Wireless Communications Service (WCS).
The arrangement will facilitate deployment of WCS systems near the U.S.-Canada border, bringing a broad range of fixed, mobile and other terrestrial wireless services to businesses and consumers such as video distribution, programming, digital broadband and Internet services.
The WCS Arrangement establishes principles and mechanisms for spectrum sharing by WCS licensees operating in the 2305-2320 MHz and 2345-2360 MHz bands near the U.S.-Canada border. In the United States, there are two WCS licensees for each of the FCC-designated 52 Major Economic Areas as well as the 12 Regional Economic Area Groups. The Arrangement establishes criteria for determining the WCS stations near the U.S.-Canadian border that require coordination and allows cross-border licensees to conduct coordination in their respective service areas.
The full text of the WCS Arrangement is available at the International Bureau Reference Room CY-A257, located on the Courtyard level of 445 12th St. S.W.; from the FCC’s duplicating contractor, Qualex International at (202) 863-2893 and on the FCC International Bureau website at: www.fcc.gov/ib/sand/agree